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Nginx limit requests by parameter in body or query?

I need to limit (GET,POST) requests with specific parameter containing in body or query parameters. How to configure NGINX for that?

Current nginx config:

limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=mylimit:10m rate=10r/s;
server {
    listen       8044;
    limit_req_log_level warn;
    location /route/{
       limit_req zone=mylimit burst=1000;
       proxy_pass https://the_Cool_server/;

For example- the request like:


I need the NGINX to limit requests with param1 value per second. So, every request with same param1 should be limited to 10 per second.

Maybe i should use openresty for it?


  • limit_req parameter can be inside http, server or location block, so traditionally you can only limit requests by path, like:


    but, there is a workaround to map visitor ip to variable only if he hits your query string key (param1), then use that var ($do_limit) in limit_req directive, like:

    map $arg_ctl    $do_limit {
        "param1"    $binary_remote_addr;
        default     "";
    limit_req_zone $do_limit zone=mylimit:10m rate=10r/s;
    server {
        listen       8044;
        limit_req_log_level warn;
        location /route/{
           limit_req zone=mylimit burst=1000;
           proxy_pass https://the_Cool_server/;