I'm currently working with CosmosDB and I want to personalize the look of my vertices. In the Data Explorer there a menu in the upper toolbar called "Style". The uppermost dropdown called "Show vertex (node) as" dropdown does work, it re-labels the vertices as expected, but no matter which option I choose in the "Map this property to node color" dropdown no colors change, and the "Map this property to node icon" dropdown doesn't work either.
The latter writes "Icon set: blank for this collection" but I can't really find anything else. Is there an option to change vertex colors or to use different icons? I don't find the corresponding documentation.
Thank you
Changing vertices color does work in my side, you may check if the property you selected shares the same value with all the vertices.
While setting vertices icon, there's really no document related, here's a vote.
I think you can use other tools to personalize the look. Official doc recommends some tools(Linkurious Enterprise, Cambridge Intelligence) which are recommended by Apache Tinkerpop community too.
You can visualize data stored in Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin API by using various data visualization solutions. The following solutions are recommended by the Apache Tinkerpop community for graph data visualization.