How can I combine these two methods and put as one...
class DataRulesPSScripts
PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create();
public IEnumerable<object> RunScriptBlock( ScriptBlock scriptBlock, Dictionary<string, object> scriptParameters )
var vars = scriptParameters.Select( p => new PSVariable( p.Key, p.Value ) ).ToList();
return scriptBlock.InvokeWithContext( null, vars );
public async Task<ScriptBlock> CreateScriptBlock( string pSScript )
ps.AddScript( pSScript );
var scriptBlock = (await ps.InvokeAsync())[0].BaseObject as ScriptBlock;
return scriptBlock;
these two methods are called in a different class in a different method like this. 'ds' is object for class DataRulesPSScripts
private async Task<IEnumerable<object>> GenerateValuesFromScript( Dictionary<string, EntityProperty> arg, string pwScript )
var pars = new Dictionary<string, object>();
pars.Add( "_", arg );
var scriptBlock = await ds.CreateScriptBlock( pwScript );
var results = ds.RunScriptBlock( scriptBlock, pars ).ToList();
return results;
You can write this:
public async Task<IEnumerable<object>> CreateAndRunScriptBlock(
string pSScript,
Dictionary<string, object> scriptParameters)
var scriptBlock = ( await ps.InvokeAsync() )[0].BaseObject as ScriptBlock;
var vars = scriptParameters.Select(p => new PSVariable(p.Key, p.Value)).ToList();
return scriptBlock.InvokeWithContext(null, vars);
return ( await ds.CreateAndRunScriptBlock(pwScript, pars) ).ToList();
var items = await ds.CreateAndRunScriptBlock(pwScript, pars);
return items.ToList();
Also perhaps the method itself may directly return a list:
public async Task<List<object>> CreateAndRunScriptBlock(
return scriptBlock.InvokeWithContext(null, vars).ToList();
returns a IEnumerable
thus the ToList
is theorically useless (in this method).