How to do such a list like in the picture? (edit: list header)
Here's what I've tried - List and Form:
NavigationView {
VStack {
List { // or Form here
// Text("New") <- this also isn't it
Section(header: Text("New")) {
ForEach(... ... .indices, id: \.self) { index in
Section(header: Text("Done")) {
ForEach(...) { ...
// On the pictures below - `List` on the left; `Form` on the right
It looks like a Form with sections, the section headers can be configured (like shown below), rows content compose as you need
NavigationView {
Form {
Section(header: Text("New").bold().font(.title).foregroundColor(.black)) {
EDIT: .textCase(.none)
allows the source text capitalization "Xxxx"
Section(header: Text("New").bold().font(.title).textCase(.none).foregroundColor(.black))