I noticed changes in express-session 1.17.1+
so I can't just put custom property (like req.session.userId
) into req.session
. It causes a type check error.
I tried to extend SessionData, Object.defineProperty
and many other options but for some reason, it doesn't work. Please help!
I wrote a simple code to reproduce problem clearly here
Maybe this will work for you, I share it with you to save time.
modify file tsconfig.json
and add
"typeRoots": [
create file with following content: @types/express/index.d.ts
import "express-session";
// what we are all looking to solve xD
// req.session.propertyX
declare module "express-session" {
interface SessionData {
propertyX: number;
// additional properties on other objects
// req.propertyY
declare global {
namespace Express {
interface Request {
propertyY: number;
hope it works for you, and saves time.