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Phrases when objects meet on processing

I have been trying to figure out how to add certain words when objects hit each other on my processing code. Would anyone know how I would get my screen to say 'You Have Won' when the red ball that is getting launched touches the black circle on the top half of the screen? I was wondering what needs to be done in order to achieve this.

This is my code:

Ball mainBall; // Horizontal ball
ArrayList<Ball> balls; //Red balls

PVector oldSpeed;

void setup () {  
  size (1280, 960);
  //Create main ball
  mainBall = new Ball(200, 700, 3, 0, 140, color(255, 200, 200));
  // Create list of balls
  balls = new ArrayList<Ball>();

void draw() {

  fill (0);
  rect (0, 550, width, height);

  mainBall.collisionUpdate();  //reverse speed of ball if hits side window
  mainBall.drawBall();   //Draw the main ball
  //Create arraylist to store balls to get removed from the list
  ArrayList<Ball> toRemove = new ArrayList<Ball>();
  // For every ball
  for(Ball ball : balls){
    // Balls bounce within the screen
    ball.slowSpeed(random(0.98,0.999)); //  Speed of the ball

      toRemove.add(ball); //Removal of ball if off screen

  balls.removeAll(toRemove);   // Remove all the non-visible balls

void launch(){
    oldSpeed = mainBall.speed;
    mainBall.setSpeed(0, 0);
    // Add a new ball to the list
    balls.add(new Ball(mainBall.position.x, mainBall.position.y, 0, random(-8, -5), 70, color(255, 0, 0)));
    //Make the main ball move again

void mouseClicked(){

void keyPressed(){

// Ball class
class Ball{
  PVector position;
  PVector speed;
  float diameter;
  color c;
  Ball(float x, float y, float xSpeed, float ySpeed, float _diameter, color _c){
    position = new PVector(x, y);
    speed = new PVector(xSpeed, ySpeed);
    diameter = _diameter;
    c = _c;
  void drawBall(){
    circle(position.x, position.y, diameter);
    // Update position of ball
  void setSpeed(float xSpeed, float ySpeed){
    speed = new PVector(xSpeed, ySpeed);
  void setSpeed(PVector _speed){
    speed = _speed;
  boolean isStationary(){
    return speed.x == 0 && speed.y == 0;

  void collisionUpdate(){
    if(position.x < diameter/2 || position.x > width-diameter/2 || position.y < diameter/2 || position.y > height-diameter/2 ){
      //Reverse speed
  void slowSpeed(float deceleration){
      if(speed.mag() < 0.5){
          speed = new PVector(0, 0);
  // Return true or false if the ball is off the screen
  boolean isNotVisible(){
     return position.x > width+diameter || position.x < -diameter || position.y > height+diameter || position.y < -diameter;


  • This might work:

    boolean winning = false;
    void draw() {
      for (Ball ball: balls) {
        if (sq(ball.position.x - 240) + sq(ball.position.y - 240) < sq(ball.diameter/2 + 50)) {
          winning = true;//test each ball to see if it's close enough to the black one
      if (winning) {
        fill(255, 0, 0);
        stroke(255, 0, 0);
        textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
        text("You Have Won", width/2, height/2);