I have a text like
RECORD = ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ; jkjdkj@kjk.com ; END ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ;
jkjdkj@kjk.com ; END kjkjlsj ; popo ; END
I want to split it up in 3 sentences. The splitting should be done on basis of reading till start till 'END' is encountered, then reading till next 'END' is encountered, and so on till end of the text
split 1 = ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ; jkjdkj@kjk.com ;
split 2 = ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ; jkjdkj@kjk.com ;
split 3 = kjkjlsj ; popo ;
Code I used is not able to utilize END . Can you please suggest ?
echo "$RECORD" | while read line
#Further processing on each of the split sentences
email=$(echo "$line" | awk -F ';' '{print $1}')
subject=$(echo "$line" | awk -F ';' '{print $2}')
body=$(echo "$line" | awk -F ';' '{print $3}')
echo "$body" | mail -s "$subject" 'sjhs@gmail.com';
#Further processing on each of the split sentences
$ s="ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ; jkjdkj@kjk.com ; END ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ;
jkjdkj@kjk.com ; END kjkjlsj ; popo ; END"
$ echo "$s" | tr -d '\n' | awk 'BEGIN{RS=" END ?"}1'
ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ; jkjdkj@kjk.com ;
ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ; jkjdkj@kjk.com ;
kjkjlsj ; popo ;
Turning a string delimited by ' END '
into a string delimited by \n
can then be used in a bash loop for whatever you need to do to those substrings:
while read -r line; do
printf "Line %s: %s\n" "$cnt" "'$line'"
(( cnt++ ))
done <<<$(echo "$s" | tr -d '\n' | awk 'BEGIN{RS=" END ?"}1')
Line 1: 'ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ; jkjdkj@kjk.com ;'
Line 2: 'ijj%%% klfklk @ ; kjkjkdjjd 333 ; jkjdkj@kjk.com ;'
Line 3: 'kjkjlsj ; popo ;'
If you want pure Bash, you could do:
delimit=" END "
while [[ $ss ]]; do
array+=( "${ss%%"$delimit"*}" );