I've created an auto-scaling group based on an EC2 launch template, with an internal load balancer. I'm using CodeDeploy to deploy my application on the EC2 instances.
So far so good.
However, I don't find any URL for my scaling group. If I target the specific URL of an EC2 instance, it works fine, but that's not the point of a scaling group. I'd want to target a "group URL", with the internal load balancer redirecting the traffic to my instances.
Is my comprehension of a scaling group bad ? If not, where can I find such URL?
I'd even imagine that the instances should not be directly accessible from the web - only the load balancer should be able to communicate with them. But I guess that's another topic.
Thanks a lot!
I don't find any URL for my scaling group
You can't find it, because there is no such thing. You must use URL of your internal load balancer. If you set up everything correctly, once you access the url of the internal balancer (from within VPC), then your requests should be redirected to the instances.