I am working on this graph:
digraph "example.gsn.yaml" {
## Elements
"G1" [shape="box", label=<<B>G1</B><BR align="left"/>Goal 1>];
"G2" [shape="box", label=<<B>G2</B><BR align="left"/>Goal 2>];
"G4" [shape="box", label=<<B>G4</B><BR align="left"/>Goal 4>];
"G3" [shape="box", label=<<B>G3</B><BR align="left"/>Goal 3>];
"C1" [shape="box", style="rounded", label=<<B>C1</B><BR align="left"/>Context 1>];
"S1" [shape="parallelogram", label=<<B>S1</B><BR align="left"/>Strategy 1>];
"A1" [shape="oval", label=<<B>A1</B><BR align="left"/>Argument 1>];
"A1":e -> "A1":e [headlabel=< <B>A</B> >, labeldistance=2.5, penwidth=0, arrowhead=none];
"Sn1" [shape="circle", label=<<B>Sn1</B><BR align="left"/>Solution 1>];
"Sn2" [shape="circle", label=<<B>Sn2</B><BR align="left"/>Solution 2>];
"J1" [shape="oval", label=<<B>J1</B><BR align="left"/>Justification 1>];
"J1":e -> "J1":e [headlabel=< <B>J</B> >, labeldistance=2.5, penwidth=0, arrowhead=none];
## Relations
"G1" -> "G2";
"G1" -> "G3";
"G1" -> "G4";
"G2" -> "S1";
"G4" -> "Sn2";
"G3" -> "Sn1";
"G3" -> "C1" [arrowhead=empty];
{rank = same; "G3"; "C1"; }
"S1" -> "Sn1";
"S1" -> "J1" [arrowhead=empty];
"S1" -> "A1" [arrowhead=empty];
{rank = same; "A1"; "S1"; }
{rank = same; "S1"; "J1"; }
I would like to minimize crossings.
My preferred layout would be that A1, S1 and J1 are on the same rank in a left-to-right order.
However I cannot find out how to do this.
Can anybody help, please? Thanks in advance.
Many "obvious" solutions did not work (ordering, weight, invisible edges). Putting A1, J1, and S1 inside a cluster does the trick:
digraph "example.gsn.yaml" {
## Elements
"G1" [shape="box", label=<<B>G1</B><BR align="left"/>Goal 1>];
"G2" [shape="box", label=<<B>G2</B><BR align="left"/>Goal 2>];
"G4" [shape="box", label=<<B>G4</B><BR align="left"/>Goal 4>];
"G3" [shape="box", label=<<B>G3</B><BR align="left"/>Goal 3>];
"C1" [shape="box", style="rounded", label=<<B>C1</B><BR align="left"/>Context 1>];
"S1" [shape="parallelogram", label=<<B>S1</B><BR align="left"/>Strategy 1>];
"A1" [shape="oval", label=<<B>A1</B><BR align="left"/>Argument 1>];
"A1":e -> "A1":e [headlabel=< <B>A</B> >, labeldistance=2.5, penwidth=0, arrowhead=none];
"Sn1" [shape="circle", label=<<B>Sn1</B><BR align="left"/>Solution 1>];
"Sn2" [shape="circle", label=<<B>Sn2</B><BR align="left"/>Solution 2>];
"J1" [shape="oval", label=<<B>J1</B><BR align="left"/>Justification 1>];
"J1":e -> "J1":e [headlabel=< <B>J</B> >, labeldistance=2.5, penwidth=0, arrowhead=none];
subgraph clusterg1{
graph[peripheries=0] // no box around the cluster
{rank = same; node[group=g1] edge[style=invis] "A1" -> "S1" -> "J1"}
## Relations
"G1" -> "G2";
"G1" -> "G3";
"G1" -> "G4";
"G2" -> "S1";
"G4" -> "Sn2";
"G3" -> "Sn1";
"G3" -> "C1" [arrowhead=empty];
{rank = same; "G3"; "C1"; }
"S1" -> "Sn1";
"S1" -> "J1" [arrowhead=empty];
"A1" -> "S1" [arrowhead=empty dir=back];
p.s. is the A1->S1 arrow correct?