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Latex: issue with Multirow

I'm using the multirow package to have multiple elements in the same row.

              & \mathcal{D} & $\rho$ & $N_c$ & $N_C^{inv}$ & $C$ & $C^{inv}$ & $Q$\\
    \multirow{2}{*}{Mod0} & \num{9.99} & \num{1.36e+1} & \num{3.32} & \num{7.05e+1} & \num{4.69e-3} & \num{6.59e-2} & \num{1} \\
    & \num{-9.10} & \num{3.69e-1} & \num{-1.70e+1} & \num{-6.36e-2} & & &\num{1} \\ \hline
    Mod1 & \num{1.94e+1} & \num{1.60e+1} & \num{8.65e+1} & \num{1.86e+2} & \num{} \\

For the columns C and C^{inv} there is just one element (instead of two) and therefore I would like the single element to be in the centre of the line and not in the upper side. How can I do that?

enter image description here

The packages I'm using:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}

\usepackage{ dsfont }









\fancyfoot[R]{ \thepage\ }
\fancyfoot[R]{ \thepage\ }
\renewcommand*\listtablename{Elenco Tabelle}



  • You can use \multirow{2}{*}{...} to place the content in the centre of the two rows


    • there are serve package incompatibilities in your preamble. You must not ignore such error messages and clean up incompatible packages

    • you must not use \mathcal outside math mode. An error message will tell you this. You must not ignore error messages

    • don't use \resizebox for things that contains text. If you really must change the size, use an appropriate font size instead

    • don't use h! as floating specifier. This will only result in bad float placement. Let latex do what it can do best and use htbp

    • don't load the same package multiple times

                  & $\mathcal{D}$ & $\rho$ & $N_c$ & $N_C^{inv}$ & $C$ & $C^{inv}$ & $Q$\\
        \multirow{2}{*}{Mod0} & \num{9.99} & \num{1.36e+1} & \num{3.32} & \num{7.05e+1} & \multirow{2}{*}{\num{4.69e-3}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\num{6.59e-2}} & \num{1} \\
        & \num{-9.10} & \num{3.69e-1} & \num{-1.70e+1} & \num{-6.36e-2} & & &\num{1} \\ \hline
        Mod1 & \num{1.94e+1} & \num{1.60e+1} & \num{8.65e+1} & \num{1.86e+2} & \num{} \\