I'm making a paid/free version of my app so have a 'Library Project' that the two apps use.
I'm trying to use Android Annotations to clean up my code: http://code.google.com/p/androidannotations/
Unfortunately when I use this in my shared library project, one of my projects gets the error in Eclipse: The type xActivity_ is already defined xActivity_.java /ProjectName/.apt_generated/lib/activities/
Because Android Annotations automatically creates a new activity with an extra '_' in the folder .apt_generated one of the apps is allowed to create this file, but the other gets the error "already defined".
Is there a way in Eclipse to resolve this? Or is it a problem with the Android Annotations?
This seems to be an AndroidAnnotations bug, and should be reported on the dedicated bug tracker.
AndroidAnnotations wasn't designed with this use case in mind, but this is still a very valid use case. The problem seems to be that the activity is generated in the shared library project, when it should be generated in each depending project, am I right ?
(please answer in the bug tracker)