I have a use case that I want to use to help independent creators talk about their interests on Twitter using their experiences.
It goes like this:
You have an interest you want to talk about Entrepreneurship
You have an experience like Pain
Is there a way for an AI (like GPT) to generate prompts that uses these two words to create a list of open-ended questions that provoke thoughts such as these:
If so, how will it work, and what do I need to do?
I've explored Open AI's documentation on GPT-3, I'm unclear if it solves this problem of generating prompts.
You should provide some samples so that the GPT-3 can see the pattern and produce a sensible response from your prompt. For example, see the following screenshot from your case. Note that the bold text is my prompt. The regular text is the response from GPT-3. In that example, I was "priming" the GPT-3 with relevant pattern: First line, the general description, then the Topics, followed by Questions. This should be enough for booting up your ideas and customizations.