Search code examples

Assign the same sequence elements a number of consecutive repetitions

I am working with a SQL Server table that looks like this:

diff nom rec_num
-7 abc 9
-6 abc 9
-5 abc 7
-4 abc 6
-3 abc 6
-2 abc 6
-1 abc 13
-7 fav 7
-6 fav 9
-5 fav 9
-4 fav 13
-3 fav 7
-2 fav 7
-1 fav 7

Real table is so much larger, this is the sample.

I need to assign to each rec_num of the table the number of their consecutive repetitions. For example, there is a sequence 5 5 4 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 1, then the result of the work should be 2 2 3 3 3 1 4 4 4 4 1. I need exactly the number of repetitions in a row, not the total number of repeats.

Using the combination of ROW_NUMBER:

with cte as (
  select diff, nom, rec_num,
  row_number() over (partition by nom order by nom, diff desc) rn1,
  row_number() over (partition by nom, rec_num order by nom, diff desc) rn2
  from t)
 select diff, nom, rec_num,
   row_number() over (partition by nom, rn1 - rn2 order by nom, diff desc) as con_repeats
from cte

I got the following table

diff nom rec_num con_repeats
-1 abc 13 1
-2 abc 6 1
-3 abc 6 2
-4 abc 6 3
-5 abc 7 1
-6 abc 9 1
-7 abc 9 2
-1 fav 7 1
-2 fav 7 2
-3 fav 7 3
-4 fav 13 1
-5 fav 9 1
-6 fav 9 2
-7 fav 7 1

But I need the table look like this:

diff nom rec_num con_repeats
-1 abc 13 1
-2 abc 6 3
-3 abc 6 3
-4 abc 6 3
-5 abc 7 1
-6 abc 9 2
-7 abc 9 2
-1 fav 7 3
-2 fav 7 3
-3 fav 7 3
-4 fav 13 1
-5 fav 9 2
-6 fav 9 2
-7 fav 7 1

How can I do this?


  • You can accomplish this simply with group by

    with x as (
        select nom, rec_num, Count(*) n
        from t
        group by nom,rec_num
    update t set t.con_repeats=x.n
    from x
    join t on t.nom=x.nom and t.rec_num=x.rec_num

    see Fiddle


    After clarification of the problem, a different solution is required, this uses window functions to identify the islands of repeating values and updatable CTE to apply the max count of each island group to the source table:

    with groups as (
        select t.*,
            Dense_Rank() over (partition by nom order by (rn - rn2), rec_num) as grp,
            Row_Number() over (partition by nom, (rn - rn2), rec_num order by diff) as c
            select t.*, row_number() over (partition by nom order by diff) as rn, Row_Number() over (partition by nom, rec_num order by diff) as rn2
            from t
    cnt as (
        select *, Max(c) over (partition by nom,grp) maxc
        from groups
    update cnt set con_repeats=maxc;
    select * from t;

    See this New fiddle