I'm trying to use the WordNet package for swi-prolog and I can't seem to be able to use it after install. I'm on MacOS Big Sur. I have tried fresh installs with both homebrew and macports, and I've even tried the docker container and I get the same error every time.
This is the process and ouput:
derek@Dereks-MBP-2 thelazyreader % swipl
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (threaded, 64 bits, version 8.2.4)
SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.
Please run ?- license. for legal details.
For online help and background, visit https://www.swi-prolog.org
For built-in help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
?- pack_install(wordnet).
% Contacting server at https://www.swi-prolog.org/pack/query ... ok
Select download location for wordnet@0.9.3
(1) * https://api.github.com/repos/JanWielemaker/wordnet/zipball/V0.9.3
(2) GIT repository at https://github.com/JanWielemaker/wordnet.git
(3) Cancel
Your choice?
% Contacting server at https://www.swi-prolog.org/pack/query ... ok
% "V0.9.3" was downloaded 46 times
Package: wordnet
Title: Access to WordNet database
Installed version: 0.9.3
Author: Jan Wielemaker <jan@swi-prolog.org>
Home page: https://github.com/JanWielemaker/wordnet
Download URL: https://github.com/JanWielemaker/wordnet/releases/*.zip
Install "wordnet-0.9.3" (7,451 bytes) Y/n?
?- pack_list_installed.
Installed packages (1):
i wordnet@0.9.3 - Access to WordNet database
?- use_module(library(wordnet)).
ERROR: source_sink `library(wordnet)' does not exist
ERROR: [19] throw(error(existence_error(source_sink,...),_12810))
ERROR: [15] '$resolve_source_path'(library(wordnet),_12842,[if(not_loaded),...]) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:2318
ERROR: [14] '$load_file'(library(wordnet),user,[if(not_loaded),...]) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:2292
ERROR: [9] <user>
ERROR: Note: some frames are missing due to last-call optimization.
ERROR: Re-run your program in debug mode (:- debug.) to get more detail.
If I run in debug mode this is the output I get...
[debug] ?- use_module(library(wordnet)).
ERROR: source_sink `library(wordnet)' does not exist
ERROR: [19] throw(error(existence_error(source_sink,...),_4386))
ERROR: [18] '$existence_error'(source_sink,library(wordnet)) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:3794
ERROR: [17] '$abs_file_error'(library(wordnet),[],[file_type(prolog),...]) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:1221
ERROR: [16] absolute_file_name(library(wordnet),_4496,[file_type(prolog),...]) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:1157
ERROR: [15] '$resolve_source_path'(library(wordnet),_4544,[if(not_loaded),...]) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:2318
ERROR: [14] '$load_file'(library(wordnet),user,[if(not_loaded),...]) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:2292
ERROR: [13] '$load_one_file'(library(wordnet),user,[if(not_loaded),...]) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:2128
ERROR: [12] '$load_files'(library(wordnet),user,[if(not_loaded),...]) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:2105
ERROR: [11] load_files(user:library(wordnet),[if(not_loaded),...]) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:2085
ERROR: [10] use_module(user:library(wordnet)) at /opt/local/lib/swipl/boot/init.pl:2023
ERROR: [9] <user>
I'm stumped here. Any direction on where I can look or what I can try would be most welcome. Thanks!
The module is in a file called wn.pl
, not wordnet.pl
On my machine, after having run pack_install(wordnet).
, one finds this:
├── pack.pl
├── prolog
│ ├── wn.pl
│ └── wn_portray.pl
└── README.md
?- use_module(library(wn)).
ERROR: Cannot find WordNet data files. Please set the environment
ERROR: variable WNDB to point at the directory holding the WordNet files
So these files need to be installed, too.