I have query that inserts a row
public interface NoteDao {
Long insert(Note note);
I'm using RxJava to perform the query on the background thread:
public void insert(Note note) {
Single.fromCallable(() -> noteDao.insert(note))
.subscribe(new SingleObserver<Long>() {
public void onSubscribe(@NonNull Disposable d) {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull Long aLong) {
Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess: New row Id: " + aLong);
public void onError(@NonNull Throwable e) {
Currently it successfully returns, the newly created primary key for the inserted DAO. How would I return the entire inserted row, WITHOUT performing a second query using the new row id?
In postgresql I would do something like this:
`INSERT INTO note_table(note_title, note_description) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING *`
Not sure how to do it with the Room library
As stated in the documents of Transcation, if you want to perform two queries in one shot you have to use transactions and there is no other option as far as I know for standard database operations
check below as here we are doing you should do similar
public interface NoteDao {
Long insert(Note note);
@@Query(“SELECT * FROM Note WHERE noteId = :id)
Long getNote(id Long);
public void insertAndRetrieve(Note note):Note {
// Anything inside this method runs in a single transaction.
val id = insert(note);
return getNote(id);