Search code examples

How to get total amount per previous weeks

I have this table for example:

Date amount
2021-02-16T21:06:38 10
2021-02-16T21:07:01 5
2021-02-17T01:10:12 -1
2021-02-19T12:00:00 3
2021-02-24T12:00:00 20
2021-02-25T12:00:00 -1

I want the total amount of all previous weeks, per week. So the result in this case would be:

Date amount
2021-02-15 0
2021-02-22 17
2021-03-01 36

Note: The dates are now the start of each week (Monday). Any help would this would be greatly appreciated.


  • Try This:

    select week_date, sum(amount) over (order by week_date ) 
    from (
    SELECT date(date_) + cast(abs(extract(dow FROM date_) -7 ) + 1 as int) "week_date",
    sum(amount) "amount"
    from example group by 1) t 


    Above Query will cover only the week in which transaction records are there. If you want to cover all missing week then try below query:

    with cte as (
    SELECT date(date_) + cast(abs(extract(dow FROM date_) -7 ) + 1 as int) "week_date",
    sum(amount) "amount"
    from example group by 1
    t1."Date",coalesce(sum(cte.amount) over (order by t1."Date"),0)
    from cte right join 
    (select generate_series(min(week_date)- interval '1 week', max(week_date),interval '1 week') "Date" from cte) t1 on cte.week_date=t1."Date"
