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pythonconcurrencydiscord.pytaskpython-asyncio Task Loop Running Too Often and Not Completing

I'm currently running into an issue with where I have a task loop which keeps reiterating instantly without actually finishing. Below you can find a snippet of my code.

import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
import utils

async def on_ready():
    print("Bot is Ready.")

async def my_task():
    print("Starting my_task")
    output = utils.generate_output()

Whenever I run my code, the output is as follows :

Bot is ready.
Starting my_task
Starting my_task
Starting my_task
Starting my_task
Starting my_task
Starting my_task

It sends "Starting my_task" roughly every second or two, and keeps on doing that until I exit the program. The function generate_output() never seems to complete, and I never get to the print(output) statement before the task seems to just restart.

For some context, generate_output() is a function which returns a list of sources from a news page. The function scrapes the webpage using BeautifulSoup and manipulates some data using a Pandas Dataframe, then writes it to a local file before returning a list.

my_task() runs perfectly on its own, but as soon as I want to put it into the task loop, it never seems to execute.

I feel as though I've got some form of concurrency or task error happening within the function, though I don't know how or why, and I'm at my wits end. I can get other tasks working just fine, but as soon as I add this one to the mix, it all breaks, and all of my tasks start behaving like this one.


  • I managed to fix my issue.

    It was happening as a byproduct of the f = open("filepath", "w") within my utils.generate_output() function. I had a relative path for my file path, not a direct path. I guess the way open() handles those is different, and as a result my program was bugging out.

    I hope those who stumble upon this get saved the headache.