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How to make "view passwords"?

I'm making password recognition system, and I want to make "View Passwords" function, which can switch hide to show passwords. I have no idea how to make this function.

Here is my brief code:

from tkinter import *


#Entry box to get password from users
getPassword = Entry(root, show='*').pack()

I am stuck here. I don't even know whether I should use Button() or other function such as checkbox to make "View Passwords" function.

Do you have any good idea to fix this?


  • You can use the universal widget methods cget() and config() to get and set the current show option of your Entry widgets to define a function to toggle the display of contents of the Entry widget(s). You can then make the function the call-back command of a Button. You could also use it with Radiobutton or ttk.Checkbutton widgets in a similar manner.

    Here's a runnable example to illustrate what I'm saying:

    import tkinter as tk
    HIDE_CHAR = '*'
    def toggle_password_display():
        show = HIDE_CHAR if not password_entry.cget('show') else ''
    root = tk.Tk()
    # Entry box to get password from users.
    password_entry = tk.Entry(root, show=HIDE_CHAR)
    toggle_btn = tk.Button(root, text='Toggle password display', command=toggle_password_display)

    Before and after clicking the Button:

    screenshot of code running