I'm making password recognition system, and I want to make "View Passwords" function, which can switch hide to show passwords. I have no idea how to make this function.
Here is my brief code:
from tkinter import *
#Entry box to get password from users
getPassword = Entry(root, show='*').pack()
I am stuck here. I don't even know whether I should use Button() or other function such as checkbox to make "View Passwords" function.
Do you have any good idea to fix this?
You can use the universal widget methods cget()
and config()
to get and set the current show
option of your Entry
widgets to define a function to toggle the display of contents of the Entry
You can then make the function the call-back command
of a Button
. You could also use it with Radiobutton
or ttk.Checkbutton
widgets in a similar manner.
Here's a runnable example to illustrate what I'm saying:
import tkinter as tk
def toggle_password_display():
show = HIDE_CHAR if not password_entry.cget('show') else ''
root = tk.Tk()
# Entry box to get password from users.
password_entry = tk.Entry(root, show=HIDE_CHAR)
toggle_btn = tk.Button(root, text='Toggle password display', command=toggle_password_display)
Before and after clicking the Button