Search code examples

How to Distinct one column from all the column in SAS SQL

[enter image description here]


For Example in below table, I need output with same name and ID and different code

Name    ID  Code
Tom     1   155
Tom     1   165
Tom     2   166
Tom     2   166
Tom     3   128
Tom     4   999

Below is the required Output

Name    ID  Code
Tom     1   155
Tom     1   165


  • Use GROUP BY and HAVING.

    First let's convert your example listing into an actual dataset.

    data have; 
     input Name $ ID Code;
    Tom     1   155
    Tom     1   165
    Tom     2   166
    Tom     2   166
    Tom     3   128
    Tom     4   999

    So group by NAME and ID and only keep the cases where there are more than one distinct value of CODE.

    proc sql;
      create table want as 
        select *
        from have 
        group by name,id
        having count(distinct code) > 1


    Obs    Name    ID    Code
     1     Tom      1     165
     2     Tom      1     155