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SQL Query get common column with diff values in other columns

I am not very fluent with SQL.. Im just facing a little issue in making the best and efficient sql query. I have a table with a composite key of column A and B as shown below

1 1 4
1 2 5
1 3 3
2 2 4
2 1 5
3 1 4

So what I need is to find rows where column C has both values of 4 and 5 (4 and 5 are just examples) for a particular value of column A. So 4 and 5 are present for two A values (1 and 2). For A value 3, 4 is present but 5 is not, hence we cannot take it.

My explanation is so confusing. I hope you get it.

After this, I need to find only those where B value for 4 (First Number) is less than B value for 5 (Second Number). In this case, for A=1, Row 1 (A-1, B-1,C-4) has B value lesser than Row 2 (A-1, B-2, C-5) So we take this row. For A = 2, Row 1(A-2,B-2,C-4) has B value greater than Row 2 (A-2,B-1,C-5) hence we cannot take it.

I Hope someone gets it and helps. Thanks.


  • Rows containing both c=4 and c=5 for a given a and ordered by b and by c the same way.

    select a, b, c
    from (
        select tbl.*, 
           count(*) over(partition by a) cnt,
           row_number() over (partition by a order by b) brn,
           row_number() over (partition by a order by c) crn
        from tbl
        where c in (4, 5)
    ) t
    where cnt = 2 and brn = crn;


    If an order if parameters matters, the position of the parameter must be set explicitly. Comparing b ordering to explicit parameter position

    with params(val, pos) as (
        select 4,2 union all
        select 5,1
    select a, b, c
    from (
        select tbl.*, 
           count(*) over(partition by a) cnt,
           row_number() over (partition by a order by b) brn,
        from tbl 
        join params p on tbl.c = p.val
    ) t
    where cnt = (select count(*) from params) and brn = pos;