I'm trying to adapt some code for positive unlabeled learning from this example, which runs with my data but I want to also calculate the ROC AUC score which I'm getting stuck on.
My data is divided into positive samples (data_P
) and unlabeled samples (data_U
), each with only 2 features/columns of data such as:
#3 example rows:
[[-1.471, 5.766],
[-1.672, 5.121],
[-1.371, 4.619]]
#3 example rows:
[[1.23, 6.26],
[-5.72, 4.1213],
[-3.1, 7.129]]
I run the positive-unlabeled learning as in the linked example:
known_labels_ratio = 0.5
NP = data_P.shape[0]
NU = data_U.shape[0]
T = 1000
K = NP
train_label = np.zeros(shape=(NP+K,))
train_label[:NP] = 1.0
n_oob = np.zeros(shape=(NU,))
f_oob = np.zeros(shape=(NU, 2))
for i in range(T):
# Bootstrap resample
bootstrap_sample = np.random.choice(np.arange(NU), replace=True, size=K)
# Positive set + bootstrapped unlabeled set
data_bootstrap = np.concatenate((data_P, data_U[bootstrap_sample, :]), axis=0)
# Train model
model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=None, max_features=None,
criterion='gini', class_weight='balanced')
model.fit(data_bootstrap, train_label)
# Index for the out of the bag (oob) samples
idx_oob = sorted(set(range(NU)) - set(np.unique(bootstrap_sample)))
# Transductive learning of oob samples
f_oob[idx_oob] += model.predict_proba(data_U[idx_oob])
n_oob[idx_oob] += 1
predict_proba = f_oob[:, 1]/n_oob
This all runs fine but what I want is to run roc_auc_score()
which I'm getting stuck on how to do without errors.
Currently I am trying:
y_pred = model.predict_proba(data_bootstrap)
roc_auc_score(train_label, y_pred)
ValueError: bad input shape (3, 2)
The problem seems to be that y_pred
gives an output with 2 columns, looking like:
array([[0.00554287, 0.9944571 ],
[0.0732314 , 0.9267686 ],
[0.16861796, 0.83138204]])
I'm not sure why y_pred
ends up like this, is it giving the probability based on if the sample falls into 2 groups? Positive or other essentially? Could I just filter these to select per row the probability with the highest score? Or is there a way for me to change this or another way for me to calculate the AUCROC score?
must be a single number, giving the probability of the positive class p1
; currently your y_pred
consists of both probabilities [p0, p1]
(with p0+p1=1.0
by definition).
Assuming that your positive class is class 1
(i.e. the second element of each array in y_pred
), what you should do is:
y_pred_pos = [y_pred[i, 1] for i in range(len(y_pred))]
y_pred_pos # inspect
# [0.9944571, 0.9267686, 0.83138204]
roc_auc_score(train_label, y_pred_pos)
In case your y_pred
is a Numpy array (and not a Python list), you could replace the list comprehension in the first command above with:
y_pred_pos = y_pred[:,1]