Is this a case where I should be using a traditional (pre-riverpod) widget-based provider or does riverpod have a solution for the following scenario?
I have a 'page' Widget with a listview of items. I instantiate this page class/Widget in two tabs, one for live items and the other as a trash/bin.
Currently I'm passing an 'is_trash' boolean through the constructor of each instantiation and also the constructors of many custom sub-widgets so they can know to grey things out etc.
A provider is the obvious way to avoid messing with constructors just for one boolean.
So the traditional way is :
class MyPage extends StatelessWidget{
bool isTrashView;
Widget build(context){
return Provider<bool>.value(
value : isTrashView,
child : MyCustomList(/*don't need an isTrashView parameter here*/),
class MyCustomList extends StatelessWidget{
Widget build(context){
bool isTrashView=Provider<bool>.of(context).value;
return &etc........
...and each instance of the MyPage widget gets its own unique provider.
Since riverpod uses globals for the providers, I can't set up unique providers in the two page instances to be read by some sub-widget as they would be sharing the provided variable and overwriting each other's data.
(I realise I've been a touch verbose: I'm trying to be clear for other beginners to riverpod stumbling across this thread.)
Remi answered me on Reddit. The solution was to use ScopedProvider for the data, and ProviderScope in the custom widget:
final isTrashView = ScopedProvider<bool>((_) => false);
class MyCustomWidget extends StatelessWidget {
const MyCustomWidget({this.trashView = false});
final bool trashView;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ProviderScope(
overrides: [
child: AnotherCustomWidget(),
class AnotherCustomWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
const AnotherCustomWidget({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context, ScopedReader watch) {
final trashView = watch(isTrashView);
// etc.