In the original PowerShell console it was possible to paste and edit multiline commands before executing it
For example this multiline script:
Write-Host "===== 1 ====="
Write-Host "===== 2 ====="
Write-Host "===== 3 ====="
Write-Host "===== 4 ====="
results in the following output
Unfortunately, in the Windows Terminal pasting of the same script results in a very different output
Any ideas how to "fix" the multiline pasting in the Windows Terminal?
The solution for me was to just comment out a line in the terminal setting.json with { "command": "paste", "keys": "ctrl+v" }
And then it works - here the expected output
After uncommenting the Ctrl+V chord in the settings.json, the paste functionality is ensured by the PSReadLine module (see Get-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord ctrl+v) but Ctrl+V will stop to work in other shells - use Shift+Ctr+V instead