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Power BI DAX - Calculate a delay with filter and avoid circular dependency

I'm using Power BI (DAX) and I have a problem problem that I couldn't solve.

You can find below an exemple of my problem.

An ID is a workflow. I need to find the delay each time I have a status between the line of the status and the oldest line without a status, considering that the delay start again to the next line

ID Time Status Result I want
ABC 01/07/2020 04:07:00
ABC 03/07/2020 04:14:00
ABC 06/07/2020 06:27:00 Done 4,0917
XYZ 11/06/2020 04:03:00
XYZ 12/06/2020 04:02:00 To check 0,9993
XYZ 15/06/2020 04:02:00
XYZ 16/06/2020 04:04:00 Transfered 1,0014
XYZ 17/06/2020 04:14:00
XYZ 21/06/2020 04:34:00
XYZ 30/06/2020 04:14:00 Done 13,0000
MON 07/09/2020 09:49:00 Cancelled 0,0000

What I did was created an another column Filter 1 and Filter 2 to create an index like below

ID Time Status Filter1 Filter2
ABC 01/07/2020 04:07:00 0 1
ABC 03/07/2020 04:14:00 0 1
ABC 06/07/2020 06:27:00 Done 1 1
XYZ 11/06/2020 04:03:00 0 3
XYZ 12/06/2020 04:02:00 To check 1 3
XYZ 15/06/2020 04:02:00 0 2
XYZ 16/06/2020 04:04:00 Transfered 1 2
XYZ 17/06/2020 04:14:00 0 1
XYZ 21/06/2020 04:34:00 0 1
XYZ 30/06/2020 04:14:00 Done 1 1
MON 07/09/2020 09:49:00 Cancelled 1 1

The formula for filter1 is :IF('test communauté'[Filter0]="YES",IF('test communauté'[Status]=BLANK(),0,1),0)

For Filter 2 is :

VAR currentid = 'test communauté'[ID]
VAR maxtime = VALUE(CALCULATE(MAX('test communauté'[Time]),'test communauté'[ID]=currentid))
VAR test = SUMX( 
                FILTER ( 'test communauté',              
                        'test communauté'[Time] >= maxtime
                        &&  'test communauté'[ID] = currentid
                        &&  'test communauté'[Filter0] = "YES" 
                'test communauté'[Filter1])
return test

And when I try to use this column filter2 to create a formula for my delay, I have a circular dependency. I don't know how to avoid this error. Keep in mind that I need the delay in column in the end and not as a measure because I will need it to calculate other KPI.

Thank you for your help,

Best regards, Alex


  • You can use REMOVEFILTERS in maxtime to remove the dependency of Filter2 from Filter1

    Filter 2 =
    VAR currentid = 'test communauté'[ID]
    VAR maxtime =
        VALUE (
            CALCULATE (
                MAX ( 'test communauté'[Time] ),
                'test communauté'[ID] = currentid,
                REMOVEFILTERS ( 'test communauté'[Filter1] )
    VAR test =
        SUMX (
            FILTER (
                'test communauté',
                'test communauté'[Time] >= maxtime
                    && 'test communauté'[ID] = currentid
                    && 'test communauté'[Filter0] = "YES"
            'test communauté'[Filter1]

    Also read these posts:

    1. A circular dependency in Power Bi
    2. Circular Dependency between Calculated Columns in a Fact Table