I have this matrix:
data=[1 5402783 1
2 43359352 2
3 26118700 3
4 33091887 4
5 890931 5
6 826897 6
7 1188749 7
8 1239861 8];
I need the first column to stay as it is, sort the 2nd column (in descending order) and 'keep along' the values of the third column. If I use sort(data)
it sorts all 3 columns.
I tried:
but it is obviously wrong.
The output should be:
[1 43359352 2
2 33091887 4
3 26118700 3
4 5402783 1
5 1239861 8
6 1188749 7
7 890931 5
8 826897 6]
All you need to do is reassemble the data matrix in the end taking the unsorted and sorted parts:
data = [1 5402783 1
2 43359352 2
3 26118700 3
4 33091887 4
5 890931 5
6 826897 6
7 1188749 7
8 1239861 8];
[~,idx] = sort(data(:,2),'descend');
data = [data(:,1),data(idx,2:3)];