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How to launch app in CarPlay Dashboard after click CPDashboardButton in CPDashboardController

I have navigation app and now I'm developing CarPlay Dashboard. I can't launch InterfaceController after click button in CPDashboard.

enter image description here

My button code:

let searchButton = CPDashboardButton(titleVariants: ["Find"], subtitleVariants: ["place"], image: searchImage) { [weak self] (_) in

After button tap, func openSearchView() is called, but view still stay in dashboard.

There is no info in docs, how can we switch between view (interface controller <-> dashboard controller)


  • Not sure this is the right way, but ther is no mention about this, not even the official sample app does it. But you can achieve it by calling open(_, options:, completionHandler) on dashboardScene.

    Like this

    dashboardController.shortcutButtons = [CPDashboardButton(titleVariants: ["Find"], subtitleVariants: ["place"], image: searchImage, handler: { _ in
        guard let url = URL(string: "") else { return }, options: nil, completionHandler: nil)

    This will open the main app and calls open(_, urlContexts:) on main carplay scene where you can handle that url and react accordingly, like open search ar whatever.