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Skins for apache trinidad

Hi I would like to know how to use a skin with trinidad. i have created a eclipse project with JSF 1.2 ( apache myfaces ), JSTL, Apache Trinidad 1.2.14. in my project i also created a trinidad-config.xml with

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <trinidad-config xmlns="">

i think casablanca is default skin for trinidad 1.2 but i still put it to make sure. ( The only reason i used trinidad 1.2 is because i am not aware if there is any inbuild modern skin for trinidad 2.0 ).

Anyways, now i create my index.jsp with following inside the body tag

      <tr:showDetailItem text="Apache Trinidad Components" >
      <tr:showDetailItem text="Architecture">
      <tr:showDetailItem text="Release">

And the result i am expecting is something like

but all i get is a ugly page ( ) with links instead of 3 tabs. Any help is appreciated.



  • "Remember, your page must have the tr:document tag on the page to kick off the skin framework" from