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How to get a collection of emails beginning with the subject line "RE:" in Outlook using C#

Extreme novice with C# here. I'm attempting to get a count for the number of emails that have a subject line that begins with "RE:" that were sent to me within the last month. For example something like below but instead of restricting to emails that only have "RE:" as the subject, I'd like to restrict only to emails that have a subject line beginning with "RE:" and that have a sent date within the last month. Any help would be much much appreciated. Thank you!

Outlook.Items repliedItems = inbox.Items.Restrict(@"[Subject] = ""RE:""");  


  • You can use DASL queries with the ci_startswith or ci_phrasematch operators. For example, the following query performs a phrase match query for RE: in the message subject:

    filter = "@SQL=\"\" ci_phrasematch 'RE:'"

    Also you'd need to combine another search criteria to the string passed to the Restrict method - items were sent to me within the last month. Use the MailItem.ReceivedTime property which returns a date indicating the date and time at which the item was received. The following articles explains how to use DateTime structures for filtering items in Outlook: