I want make an Axios request in a promise-style way. The Axios-request is done in 'dataLayer.js'. The problem is my 'dataPromise' is already fullfilled. How do I have to extend 'createChargingStations()' in data Layer class to make a Promise-like call so I can handle the data in SFC with '.then()' as shown below?
Thx a lot!
// dataLayer.js
export class modelFactory {
chargingStationsArray = []
createChargingStations() {
const requestPromise = axios.request(/* some request config */)
const dataPromise = requestPromise.then(response => {
response.data.forEach(dataEntry => {
let cs = new chargingStation()
/* some data mapping and transformation here */
/* ... */
// after tranformation, finally push chargingStation object
}).catch(error => {
console.log("Promise Rejected: " + error);
// SFC.vue
<template> <!-- some template --> </template>
export default {
/* name, components, data() etc. */
methods: {
updateMapOnFilterChange() {
var mf = new modelFactory()
const promise = mf.createChargingStations()
promise.then(chargingStationsArray => {
/* inject array into Vue component property */
}).catch(error => {
console.log("Promise Rejected: " + error);
EDIT: Published the long version of the code here https://jsfiddle.net/3azdnc4j/ You may get a better grasp what the code is supposed to do. But in my opinion it is not necessary for the basic problem!
Export ModelFactory
from dataLayer
service, return the axios
promise with map
ped response inside createChargingStations
// dataLayer.js
class ModelFactory {
createChargingStations() {
return axios.request(/* some request config */).then(response => {
const chargingStationsArray = response.data.map(dataEntry => {
let cs = new chargingStation()
/* some data mapping and transformation here */
/* ... */
// after tranformation, finally push chargingStation object
return cs
return chargingStationsArray
}).catch(error => {
console.log("Promise Rejected: " + error);
throw new Error('some error')
export default new ModelFactory()
and import in the vue file.
// SFC.vue
<template> <!-- some template --> </template>
import modelFactoryInstance from 'path-to-file/dataLayer'
export default {
/* name, components, data() etc. */
methods: {
updateMapOnFilterChange() {
modelFactoryInstance.createChargingStations().then(chargingStationsArray => {
/* inject array into Vue component property */
}).catch(error => {
console.log("Promise Rejected: " + error);