I am working with a spread designer in visual basic 6 and am looking to change the display index of my table. I am adding extra columns and I need to rearrange them to match another form.
I am using visual basic 6 with spread designer 6.0
I have tried the below when loading the form:
lstTheLines.Col(1).DisplayIndex = 1
lstTheLines.Columns(25).DisplayIndex = 2
does anyone know how to do this without having to delete and re-add all columns?
The best way I found so far was to add the columns in the place I want using the spread designer and create an Enum in the code for each column index. This way I can give the columns a name and use that instead when populating the data. The benefit to this is that I can now rename the columns or add new ones and I just need to change the names around in the Enum given that the column type is correct.