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How do I get JobRunr to detect my scheduled background job in a Spring controller/service?

I have been looking into using JobRunr for starting background jobs on my Spring MVC application, as I really like the simplicity of it, and the ease of integrating it into an IoC container.

I am trying to create a simple test scheduled job that writes a line of text to my configured logger every minute, but I'm struggling to figure out how to get the JobRunr background job server to detect it and queue it up. I am not using Spring Boot so I am just using the generic jobrunr Maven artifact rather than the "Spring Boot Starter". My setup is as follows:



    public JobMapper jobMapper() {
        return new JobMapper(new JacksonJsonMapper());

    public StorageProvider storageProvider(JobMapper jobMapper) {
        InMemoryStorageProvider storageProvider = new InMemoryStorageProvider();
        return storageProvider;

    public JobScheduler jobScheduler(StorageProvider storageProvider, ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        return JobRunr.configure().useStorageProvider(storageProvider)

public class BackgroundJobsController {
    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
    private @Autowired JobScheduler jobScheduler;

    @Job(name = "Test")
    public void executeJob() {
        BackgroundJob.scheduleRecurrently(Cron.minutely(), () -> logger.debug("It works!"));
        jobScheduler.scheduleRecurrently(Cron.minutely(), () -> logger.debug("It works too!"));

As you can see, I have tried both methods of initiating the background job in the executeJob method. The issue is basically getting Jobrunr to detect the jobs - is it simply a case of somehow triggering the executeJob method upon startup of the application? If so, does anyone know the most simple way to do that? Previously I have used the Spring @Scheduled annotation to automatically run through methods in a Service/Controller class upon startup of the application, so I was hoping there was a straightforward way to get Jobrunr to pick up the scheduled tasks I am trying to create. Apologies if it is something stupid that I have overlooked. I've spent a good few hours trying different things and reading through the documentation!

Thanks in advance!


  • Have you tried annotating your executeJob Method with a @PostConstruct ? That way upon initialisation of your application, the jobs would be registered to the JobServer.

    I believe the @Job annotation is meant fo the method of the job itself. (In your case the debug method).