I'm running a simple command to fetch and print the number of rows in a table within a MySQL db so that RunDeck can log it, and was hoping for either some help with formatting the result or a prettier way to do it.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
devhost = 'host'
devuser = 'user'
devpassword = 'scipiodestroyedhannibalatzama'
engine = f"mysql+pymysql://{devuser}:{devpassword}@{devhost}/germans_got_lucky"
connection = create_engine(engine)
rows = str(connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(Day) FROM teutoburg_forest").fetchall())
but I'd like it to return
Is there a simple way to do this?
Three possibilities here, first:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
devhost = 'host'
devuser = 'user'
devpassword = 'scipiodestroyedhannibalatzama'
engine = f"mysql+pymysql://{devuser}:{devpassword}@{devhost}/germans_got_lucky"
connection = create_engine(engine)
rows = len(connection.execute("SELECT Day FROM teutoburg_forest").fetchall())
The second:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
devhost = 'host'
devuser = 'user'
devpassword = 'scipiodestroyedhannibalatzama'
engine = f"mysql+pymysql://{devuser}:{devpassword}@{devhost}/germans_got_lucky"
connection = create_engine(engine)
rows = connection.execute("SELECT Day FROM teutoburg_forest").count
or the third:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
devhost = 'host'
devuser = 'user'
devpassword = 'scipiodestroyedhannibalatzama'
engine = f"mysql+pymysql://{devuser}:{devpassword}@{devhost}/germans_got_lucky"
connection = create_engine(engine)
rows = connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(Day) FROM teutoburg_forest").fetchone()