Conversions. Blah... possibly the most confusing aspect of the language for me.
Anyways, I want to convert the int 999 to $9.99. Using ToString("C") gives me $999.00 which is not what I want.
All of my integers will work this way meaning if the price of something is 12.30 the int value will be 1230. Two decimal places, always. I know this will be easy for most, I cannot find anything here or through Google.
Also, any resources you have on conversions would be greatly appreciated!
If your source variable is declared as an int, then one possible solution is to divide by "100m" instead of "100". Otherwise it will perform an integer division. e.g :
int originalValue = 80;
string yourValue = (originalValue / 100m).ToString("C2");
This will set yourValue to "$0.80". If you leave out the "m", it will set it to "$0.00" .
NOTE: The "m" tells the compiler to treat the 100 as a decimal and an implicit cast will happen to originalValue as part of the division.