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How do I play a video hosted in Azure's blob container using React Azure media player?

I have static website in Azure and have uploaded to its $web container.

I have a react app that successfully plays videos using, React Azure media player:

const reactAzureMp = require('react-azure-mp');
const { AzureMP } = reactAzureMp;
 src={[{src: "" , type: "video/mp4" }]}

What do I need to do to change this to play It is one static video so I cannot justify paying for streaming media, unless I have to!


  • Just use the blob URL using static website endpoint (something like https://account.z{some-number} in the src element and you should be able to play the video.

    You can find the static website endpoint in Azure Portal. Just go to your storage account and click on Static website button under Settings.

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