I am trying to build a list-like heap storage of C-strings. This is a simplified part of the program.
However, with each iteration new
brings up the same address.
#include <iostream>
class listStringContainer {
listStringContainer(const char* c);//constructor
int main(){
listStringContainer lsc1 ("Lorem ipsum");// calling the constructor
listStringContainer::listStringContainer(const char* c) {//constructor
char * Memory_Address;
auto time{5};
while (--time>=0) {
Memory_Address = new char[16];
//the memory location is to be saved into a vector
std::cout << "Memory_Address: "<< &Memory_Address << std::endl;
Memory_Address: 0x62fed8
Memory_Address: 0x62fed8
Memory_Address: 0x62fed8
Memory_Address: 0x62fed8
Memory_Address: 0x62fed8
The same result on g++ and MSVS.
Why does new
appoint the same location and how to make new appoint different addresses?
You need to cast the static_cast<void*>(Memory_Address)
to get the value stored in Memory_Address
Lets consider:
char * p;
p= new char[16];
strcpy(p, "Hello");
cout << *p << endl; // Prints 'H'
cout << &p << endl; // Prints address of p
cout << p << endl; // Prints "Hello"
cout << static_cast<void*>(p) << endl; // Prints address of p[0]
Consider the below same scenario but with Integer data type:
int * ptr;
ptr= new int[16];
ptr[0] = 10;
cout << *ptr << endl; // Prints 10
cout << &ptr << endl; // Prints ptr address
cout << ptr << endl; // Prints address of ptr[0]
Therefore, Integer doesn't require casting to void*
for getting &ptr[0]