I am using ag-grid with version 20.2.0
Column contains positive or negative decimal values such as -0.000023 or 0.000000056387 or simply blanks.
I have applied sortable: true for this column
When sorting is triggered the sorted order looks something like this:
My expectation is that all the non blank numbers should be sorted correctly and and all blanks should go at the end.
I have tried to add valueFormatter in column definition as:
headerName: field_name,
sortabke: true,
field: field_name,
valueFormatter: format_numbers
function format_numbers(val) {
if(val.value === 'NaN') {
return '';
else {
return Number(val.value).toPercision(3);
Please could you provide a plunker to demonstrate?
The valueFormatter is for formatting the values displayed to the user. You need a comparator function to change the way rows are sorted
headerName: field_name,
sortable: true,
field: field_name,
comparator: myComparator
function myComparator(value1, value2) {
if (value1 === null && value2 === null) {
return 0;
if (value1 === null) {
return -1;
if (value2 === null) {
return 1;
return value1 - value2;
Disclaimer, I've just copied that from the ag-grid website in case the link fails in the future. No guarantee there are no typos!