I'm getting this error error: [Dagger / MissingBinding] com.eduramza.domain.repositories.RemoteRepository cannot be provided without an @ Provides-annotated method. when implementing my repository interface with android hilt.
That's because my useCase implements my repository interface. What may be wrong with my implementation, below is the code:
class RemoteListViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val useCase: GetTickersUseCase
): ViewModel() {
class GetTickersUseCase @Inject constructor(
private val remoteRepository: RemoteRepository)
: SingleUseCase<MainCoins> {
override suspend fun executeCall(): Flow<Result<MainCoins>> = remoteRepository.readAllTickers()
interface RemoteRepository {
suspend fun readAllTickers(): Flow<Result<MainCoins>>
class RemoteRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
private val apiService: BraziliexService,
private val tickersMapper: TickersMapper
) : RemoteRepository{
override suspend fun readAllTickers(): Flow<Result<MainCoins>> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
abstract class RemoteModule {
abstract fun bindRemoteRepository(
remoteRepositoryImpl: RemoteRepositoryImpl
): RemoteRepository
My multimodule app in this structure where core implement domain, and app implement both.
why is the bind method not being initialized?
You using the ActivityComponent but the RemoteRepository is the indirect dependency of ViewModel so it should be tied with the ViewModel Lifecycle
so instead of ActivityComponent
abstract class RemoteModule {
abstract fun bindRemoteRepository(
remoteRepositoryImpl: RemoteRepositoryImpl
): RemoteRepository
Use this ViewModelComponent
abstract class RemoteModule {
abstract fun bindRemoteRepository(
remoteRepositoryImpl: RemoteRepositoryImpl
): RemoteRepository