I'm trying to set up 3 Solr (8.4.0) servers with a Zookeeper (3.7.0) ensemble on Windows Server 2019. Each server has one Solr instance and one Zookeeper installed. The problem I'm facing is that I'm getting an error when trying to start Solr pointing to multiple Zookeeper Ips:
.\solr start -c -z ","
Console output:
Invalid command-line option:
I have tried various combinations of this command with or without quotes, with or without ports etc but it fails every time. If I only specify one Zookeeper IP and port the command runs fine. As soon as I specify more than one IP it fails.
I've tried setting ZK_HOST in solr.in.cmd but it also fails to start. Even in the docs (https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_4/setting-up-an-external-zookeeper-ensemble.html#using-the-z-parameter-with-binsolr) it shows that configuring multiple IPs should be possible using the -z parameter.
What am I missing?
Thanks to MatsLindh I was able to figure out what the issue was. When using Powershell the double quotes need to be wrapped in single quotes so the command should look like:
.\solr start -c -z '",,"'
Using Command Prompt in windows double quotes work as expected and the command should be:
solr start -c -z ",,"