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TBS tiny but strong: how to recursively fill in data

I use openTBS to parse an invoice template. The invoice address is supplied via a custom function. I would like to conditionally more information to the filled in data.

I was thinking of permitting the invoice address (the filled in data) to contain another TBS field, e.g. for a person to speak to, and have TBS re-parse the form. In other words, can I make TBS parse a template twice if the first run supplies a new TBS field?



--- is replaced with -->

ACME inc.
Somestreet 123
Somecity 54321

--- should be replaced with -->

ACME inc.
Mr. Knowitall
Somestreet 123
Somecity 54321

There seems to be no option for recursive replacement and calling MergeField() twice does not have the desired effect.


  • By default, TBS prevents from TBS fields injection when merging data. Otherwise it could be a security issue.

    By default, if the data is:

    ACME inc. [abk.person] Somestreet 123 Somecity 54321

    then it will be merged as:

    ACME inc. &#91abk.person] Somestreet 123 Somecity 54321

    The string &#91 is the unicode for [, so this is not visible for lot of templates.

    But you can lift this protection using parameter protect=no
