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Solving an equation in R with given constraints

I want to maximize the following function subject to the given constraints.

-p1log(p1) - p3log(p3) - p5log(p5)

subject to p1 + p3 + p5 = 1 and p1 + 3p3 + 5p5 = 3.5

p1 , p3 and p5 all lie between 0 and 1 [They are probabilities].

My question is how do I solve this in R? From what I saw, constrOptim() is one of the functions commonly used to solve these type of problems. However I could not figure it out.

Any help is appreciated.


  • Package Rsolnp uses Lagrange multipliers to solve non-linear problems with equality constraints. Here is how it would be setup. eps is meant not to have the logarithms produce NaN values.

    f <-function(X) {
      x <- X[1]
      y <- X[2]
      z <- X[3]
      res <- -x*log(x) - y*log(y) - z*log(z)
    eq_f <- function(X){
      x <- X[1]
      y <- X[2]
      z <- X[3]
        x + y + z,
        x + 3*y + 5*z
    eps <- .Machine$double.eps*10^2
    X0 <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
    sol <- solnp(
      pars = X0,
      fun = f,
      eqfun = eq_f,
      eqB = c(1, 3.5),
      LB = rep(eps, 3),
      UB = rep(1, 3)
    #Iter: 1 fn: -1.0512     Pars:  0.21624 0.31752 0.46624
    #Iter: 2 fn: -1.0512     Pars:  0.21624 0.31752 0.46624
    #solnp--> Completed in 2 iterations
    #[1] 0
    #[1] 0.2162396 0.3175208 0.4662396
    #[1]  0.000000 -1.051173 -1.051173

    The last value of sol$values is the function value at the optimal parameters.
    We can check that the constraints are met.

    #[1] 1
    sum(sol$pars*c(1, 3, 5))
    #[1] 3.5