I have set up Application insights for one of our apps,
private TelemetryClient telemetry = new TelemetryClient(new Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.TelemetryConfiguration("xxx"));
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
telemetry.TrackPageView(new PageViewTelemetry { Name = filterContext?.HttpContext?.Request?.RawUrl });
ViewBag.CurrentUser = db.GetCurrentUser();
On every page load, it should fire tracking event.
I can see with fiddler that requests are being fired at dc.services.visualstudio.com
and that i get 200 responses
but nothing in the azure console
What could be going on, how do I debug this further?
The code you show tracks pageview. Pageviews are not shown in the overview page of the application insigths resource.
Instead, in the left side menu in section Usage there is a menu item Events, try that one. On that page on the bottom there is a button View More Insights, it will show the pageviews.
Alternatively, in the left side menu click Logs (in section Monitoring) and execute a query like this:
| order by timestamp desc
Finally, you can use Transaction Search from the left side menu and select Pageviews like this: