I created a simple example Pulumi TypeScript program that should deploy a Spring Boot application into a AWS ECS Fargate Cluster. The Spring Boot app is containerized/Dockerized with the help of Cloud Native Buildpacks/Paketo.io and published to the GitHub Container Registry at ghcr.io/jonashackt/microservice-api-spring-boot
(example project here).
I've read through some Pulumi tutorials and started with the usual pulumi new aws-typescript
. I now have the following index.ts
import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";
// Create a load balancer to listen for requests and route them to the container.
let loadbalancer = new awsx.lb.ApplicationListener("alb", { port: 8098, protocol: "HTTP" });
// Define Container image published to the GitHub Container Registry
let service = new awsx.ecs.FargateService("microservice-api-spring-boot", {
taskDefinitionArgs: {
containers: {
microservice_api_spring_boot: {
image: "ghcr.io/jonashackt/microservice-api-spring-boot:latest",
memory: 768,
portMappings: [ loadbalancer ],
desiredCount: 2,
// Export the URL so we can easily access it.
export const apiUrl = loadbalancer.endpoint.hostname;
After selecting the dev
stack, a normal pulumi up
runs through and provides me with the ApplicationLoadBalancer URL. Here's also a asciicast I prepared to show everything runs smooth:
My problem now is that the Fargate Services are stopped and started constantly. I've looked into CloudWatch logs and I see the Spring Boot apps starting - and beeing stopped after a few seconds again. I already checked the ApplicationLoadBalancer's TargetGroup and I see the Registered Targets
becoming unhealthy
again and again. How do I fix that?
The default AWS TargetGroup HealthCheckPath
is simply /
(see the docs). And as a standard Spring Boot application often responds with a HTTP 404
like this:
the ApplicationLoadBalancers health checks Status
inside the TargetGroups go to unhealthy
, thus triggering a restart of the Fargate Services.
How do we solve this? In Spring Boot you would normally use the spring-boot-actuator. Adding it to your pom.xml
the application responds to localhost:yourPort/actuator/health
So we need to configure the Pulumi created TargetGroup to use the health check path /actuator/health
instead of /
The Pulumi docs tell us how to Manually Configure Target Groups, but how could these exactly be integrated into the TypeScript code? The answer is hidden inside the @pulumi/awsx/lb docs! The example code from the Pulumi tutorial does multiple things from the one line let loadbalancer = new awsx.lb.ApplicationListener("alb", { port: 8098, protocol: "HTTP" });
We simply need to create every component manually, because this way we can configure the healthCheck: path
property of the TargetGroup:
import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";
// Spring Boot Apps port
const port = 8098;
// Create a ApplicationLoadBalancer to listen for requests and route them to the container.
const alb = new awsx.lb.ApplicationLoadBalancer("fargateAlb");
// Create TargetGroup & Listener manually (see https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/nodejs/pulumi/awsx/lb/)
// so that we can configure the TargetGroup HealthCheck as described in (https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/crosswalk/aws/elb/#manually-configuring-target-groups)
// otherwise our Spring Boot Containers will be restarted every time, since the TargetGroup HealthChecks Status always
// goes to unhealthy
const albTargetGroup = alb.createTargetGroup("fargateAlbTargetGroup", {
port: port,
protocol: "HTTP",
healthCheck: {
// Use the default spring-boot-actuator health endpoint
path: "/actuator/health"
const albListener = albTargetGroup.createListener("fargateAlbListener", { port: port, protocol: "HTTP" });
// Define Container image published to the GitHub Container Registry
const service = new awsx.ecs.FargateService("microservice-api-spring-boot", {
taskDefinitionArgs: {
containers: {
microservice_api_spring_boot: {
image: "ghcr.io/jonashackt/microservice-api-spring-boot:latest",
memory: 768,
portMappings: [ albListener ]
desiredCount: 2,
// Export the URL so we can easily access it.
export const apiUrl = albListener.endpoint.hostname;
Now with this configuration our Fargate Services should become healty once they're started. And we should be able to see this inside the ALB's TargetGroup in the AWS console: