I have this data frame:
> df
genes enst x y
1 Gene1 ENST1 25 14
2 Gene1 ENST2 60 25
3 Gene1 ENST3 12 5
4 Gene2 ENST1 9 34
5 Gene2 ENST2 14 12
6 Gene3 ENST1 10 1
I am trying to create a Shiny App which allows me to select genes and transcripts. If you select a gene (for example, Gene1), you will have an option to select which transcript do you want (in this case, ENST1, ENST2, ENST3).
The thing is that I want to draw 2 plots. If you click "gene" (level:gene) it will sum all the values from that gene. For example, for the first gene, which has 3 transcripts, the total value of x will be 20+60+12=92 and the total value of y will be 14+25+5=44). So the values for plotting gene 1 will be: x=92 and y=44.
Moreover, I would like to plot EACH transcript. For example, if you select "Gene1" and "Transcript 1", the plot will use x=25 and y=14. However, If the user decides to choose two transcripts, the user will see 2 plots. Or if the user chooses 3 transcripts, the user will see the 3 different plots.
Right now, with my code:
If you select the gene, you will get the plot for the gene.
However, it will show all the transcripts in the same plot. And I only want to show one transcript (or more, if the user wants)
I don't know how to continue.
On the other hand, there are two things that I don't know how to implement.
Could anyone help me? Thanks in advance
My code:
################ DATA #############################
genes<- c("Gene1", "Gene1", "Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene2", "Gene3")
enst <- c("ENST1", "ENST2", "ENST3", "ENST1", "ENST2", "ENST1")
x <- c(25, 60, 12, 9, 14, 10)
y <- c(14, 25, 5, 34, 12, 1)
df<- data.frame(genes, enst, x, y)
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
radioButtons("level", "Level:",
c("Gene" = "Gene",
"Transcript" = "Transcript")),
h5(strong("If you want to see the plot, you have to click the button")),
actionButton("add_plot", "See the plot"),
server <- function(session, input, output) {
# This function gives us the list of genes.
genes_list <- reactive({
transcripts_list <- reactive({
transcripts <- subset(df, df$genes==input$gene)
transcripts <- transcripts[,2]
# This function give us a select list input, in order to be able to select the gene that we want to see
output$selected_gene <- renderUI({
selectizeInput(inputId = "gene", "Select one gene", choices=genes_list(), options=list(maxOptions = length(genes_list())))
output$selected_transcript <- renderUI({
selectizeInput(inputId = "transcript", "Select one transcript", choices=transcripts_list(), options=list(maxOptions = length(transcripts_list())), multiple=T)
gene_values <- reactive({
values <- subset(df, df[1]==input$gene)
values$enst <- NULL
if(nrow(values)>1){ #for those genes who have more than 1 transcript
values_new <- values[2:length(values)]
values_new <- as.data.frame(t(colSums(values_new))) # sum the columns, transpose and transform into a dataframe
gene <- values[1,] #we take the first row, only one gene but all the info.
values <- cbind(values_new, gene[1]) # we bind both dataframes, however, we only want the gene name
values <- values[,c("genes",setdiff(names(values),"genes"))] # we move the last column at the beginning
transc_values <- reactive({
values <- subset(df, df[1]==input$gene)
values$genes <- NULL
plot_genes <- reactive({
gene_values <- gene_values()
barplot(c(gene_values$x, gene_values$y))
plot_transc <- reactive({
transc_values <- transc_values()
barplot(c(transc_values$x, transc_values$y))
v <- reactiveValues(plot = NULL)
observeEvent(input$add_plot, {
if(input$level == "Gene"){
v$plot <- plot_genes()
if(input$level == "Transcript"){
v$plot <- plot_transc()
# This function will draw the plot
# output$plot <- renderPlot({
# if (is.null(v$plot)){
# return()
# }
# v$plot
# })
output$table1 <- renderTable(gene_values())
output$table2 <- renderTable(transc_values())
output$plot <- renderPlot(plot_genes())
output$plot2 <- renderPlot(plot_transc())
shinyApp(ui, server)
Perhaps you can start with this and modify according to your needs.
################ DATA #############################
genes<- c("Gene1", "Gene1", "Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene2", "Gene3")
enst <- c("ENST1", "ENST2", "ENST3", "ENST1", "ENST2", "ENST1")
x <- c(25, 60, 12, 9, 14, 10)
y <- c(14, 25, 5, 34, 12, 1)
df<- data.frame(genes, enst, x, y)
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
radioButtons("level", "Level:",
c("Gene" = "Gene",
"Transcript" = "Transcript")),
h5(strong("If you want to see the plot, you have to click the button")),
div(actionButton("add_plot", "See the plot"),
actionButton("table", "See the table"),
actionButton("clear", "Clear All")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## This function gives us the list of genes.
genes_list <- reactive({
transcripts_list <- reactive({
transcripts <- subset(df, df$genes==input$gene)
transcripts <- transcripts[,2]
# This function give us a select list input, in order to be able to select the gene that we want to see
output$selected_gene <- renderUI({
selectizeInput(inputId = "gene", "Select one gene", choices=genes_list(), options=list(maxOptions = length(genes_list())))
output$selected_transcript <- renderUI({
selectizeInput(inputId = "transcript", "Select one transcript", choices=transcripts_list(), options=list(maxOptions = length(transcripts_list())), multiple=F)
gene_values <- reactive({
values <- subset(df, df[1]==input$gene)
values$enst <- NULL
if(nrow(values)>1){ #for those genes who have more than 1 transcript
values_new <- values[2:length(values)]
values_new <- as.data.frame(t(colSums(values_new))) # sum the columns, transpose and transform into a dataframe
gene <- values[1,] #we take the first row, only one gene but all the info.
values <- cbind(values_new, gene[1]) # we bind both dataframes, however, we only want the gene name
values <- values[,c("genes",setdiff(names(values),"genes"))] # we move the last column at the beginning
transc_values <- reactive({
values <- subset(df, df[2]==input$transcript)
values$genes <- NULL
mydata <- reactive({
if(input$level == "Gene"){
df <- req(gene_values())
}else if(input$level == "Transcript"){
df <- req(transc_values())
}else df <- NULL
# plot_genes <- reactive({
# gene_values <- req(gene_values())
# barplot(c(gene_values$x, gene_values$y))
# })
# plot_transc <- reactive({
# transc_values <- req(transc_values())
# barplot(c(transc_values$x, transc_values$y))
# })
v <- reactiveValues(plot = NULL, table=NULL)
observeEvent(input$add_plot, {
v$plot <- ggplot(mydata(), aes(x=x,y=y)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")
v$table <- NULL ### display only plot
},ignoreInit = TRUE)
observeEvent(input$table, {
v$table <- req(mydata())
v$plot <- NULL ### display only table
},ignoreInit = TRUE)
observeEvent(input$clear, {
v$table <- NULL
v$plot <- NULL
},ignoreInit = TRUE)
## This function will draw the plot
output$plot <- renderPlot({ v$plot })
output$table <- renderDT({ v$table })
shinyApp(ui, server)