I have a livewire component, that implements the Spatie Media Library Pro component:
// file-upload.blade.php
<form method="POST" wire:submit.prevent="submit">
<div class="mb-3">
<x-media-library-attachment name="media" :rules="$mimeTypes" key="mediaLibrary"/>
<h2>Please wait...</h2>
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-bg" />
I would like to show an uploading message, as the request is quite slow (@if($uploading)
The problem is, if I do something like this:
public function submit(){
'media' => 'required|min:1',
$this->uploading = true;
return redirect()->route('media.index', ['collection' => $this->collection]);
The line $this->uploading = true;
only refreshes my page when the whole function finishes — which is after the upload finishes.
Is there a way I can show this, then upload the file? Most other routes I have gone down either break the validation, I've tried using @entangle
and toggling the $uploading
from the front end but nothing seems to be working for me.
I think I have decided that I would like to keep to what I have, but either asynchronously start the upload, or refresh the view faster.
You can use the Livewire Loading States (https://www.laravel-livewire.com/docs/2.x/loading-states)
<form method="POST" wire:submit.prevent="submit">
<div class="mb-3">
<x-media-library-attachment name="media" :rules="$mimeTypes" key="mediaLibrary"/>
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-bg" />
<div wire:loading wire:target="submit">
PD: I don't test it before in a form