I would like to run an Android-app with two services using 'service' tag.
<service android:name=".Service1" android:process=":myprocess1"></service>
<service android:name=".Service2" android:process=":myprocess2"></service>
The internal data directory looks something similar to below
-> data
-> service1dir
-> service2dir
PS: In the emulator it is hosted in /data/user/0/com.my.android.app
The invoking android-app has full permissions to the 'data' directory. Is it possible to restrict permissions for the 'service1dir' directory to 'service1', 'service2dir' directory 'service2' services?
By doing so, I could achieve isolation with data storage and inet without setting android:isolatedProcess="true". If I make the services as an isolated process both the services doesn't have inet/data/storage permissions.
Reference to Android, service, isolatedprocess, define permission
Is it possible to restrict permissions for the 'service1dir' directory to 'service1', 'service2dir' directory 'service2' services?
No, sorry.