Im facing an issue where I am using Materialize and am dynamically adding new Select menus to my page. When I initialize the first set of Selects, they work fine. If I add a second set and initialize that same set, the previous one stops working. I have been trying to solve this issue for a few hours and I am not sure where my error is.
The form is where the Select menus will be added. When I add the first set of selects, it works properly. If I add the second set, the first one stops working and I am not sure why.
function addMesocycle() {
var form = document.querySelector("#mesocycleForm");
var name = "Mesocycle " + mesocycleIndex;
var content =
<label style="color: rgb(46, 46, 46);">Fase:</label>
<select id="${"fase" + mesocycleIndex}">
<option value='Option1' selected>Option1</option>
<option value='Option2'>Option2</option>
<option value='Option3'>Option3</option>
<option value='Option4'>Option4</option>
<label style="color: rgb(46, 46, 46);">Período:</label>
<select id="${"period" + mesocycleIndex}">
<option value='Option1'>Option1</option>
<option value='Option2'>Option2</option>
<option value='Option3'>Option3</option>
<option value='Option4'>Option4</option>
form.innerHTML += content;
var faseID = "#fase" + mesocycleIndex;
var periodID = "#period" + mesocycleIndex;
var ids = [faseID, periodID];
var elems = document.querySelectorAll(ids);
<form id="mesocycleForm"></form>
Here is the codepen:
Im not sure what is causing the previous Selects to be disabled. If you could help me, Id be very grateful. Thanks in advance.
I found the solution for anyone curious in the future.
I posted this issue on Materialize's Github Issues and was told to
"avoid using innerHTML
, because the internal state of the select elements will be lost. Instead of using innerHTML
, you can use insertAdjacentHTML
. For example :
form.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', content);
IMO, this is not the bug from materializecss."
You can find the Github Issue here:
Here is the final block of code, using pieces of @ΑΓΡΙΑ ΠΕΣΤΡΟΦΑ's answer (so it can be more tidy):
var mesocycleIndex = 1;
function addMesocycle() {
var form = document.querySelector("#mesocycleForm");
var name = "Mesocycle " + mesocycleIndex;
var content =
<label style="color: rgb(46, 46, 46);">Fase:</label>
<select id="fase${mesocycleIndex}" class="fase">
<option value='Option1'>Option1</option>
<option value='Option2'>Option2</option>
<option value='Option3'>Option3</option>
<option value='Option4'>Option4</option>
<label style="color: rgb(46, 46, 46);">Período:</label>
<select id="period${mesocycleIndex}" class="period">
<option value='Option1'>Option1</option>
<option value='Option2'>Option2</option>
<option value='Option3'>Option3</option>
<option value='Option4'>Option4</option>
form.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', content);
var ids = ['.fase', '.period'];
var elems = document.querySelectorAll(ids);
Which you can see working here:
Hope this helps someone in the future with the same problem as me.