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Postgres stored procedure returning same epoch for multiple calls to now()

I wrote a code to get the execution time of procedure call using below stored procedure. But the problem is the output is showing start_time and end_time having same epoch value and hence the execution_time is always returned as 0. Could you please help me why I am getting same epoch value for both the calls to now() ?

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.calculate_execution_time()
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $procedure$
        start_time float;
        end_time float;
        SELECT extract(epoch from now()) into start_time;
        call public.another_stored_procedure();
        SELECT extract(epoch from now()) into end_time;
        raise notice 'Execution time = % - % = % seconds', end_time, start_time, (end_time - start_time);

Sample output of: call public.calculate_execution_time()

Execution time = 1620213218.485702 - 1620213218.485702 = 0 seconds


  • Having now() return a constant time -- when the transaction started -- is considered a feature rather than a bug. It is actually handy for long-running stored procedure.

    You want clock_timestamp() instead:

        SELECT extract(epoch from clock_timestamp) into start_time;
        call public.another_stored_procedure;
        SELECT extract(epoch from clock_timestamp) into end_time;
        raise notice 'Execution time = % - % = % seconds', end_time, start_time, (end_time - start_time);