Looking for some direction
I'm working with PDFKit. Everything is going fine but having trouble finding the methods (documentation / WWDC / elsewhere ) on how to stop text from drawing at a certain y position and start the next page. Any saved references or a snippet of code would be a great help.
I dont know, wether this is the best way to implement your use case, but it worked for me. When adding a new line into the PDF_Context, I recalculate a variable the keeps tracking of the current content height of my PDF_Page. When it exceeds a certain value, I create a NEW page, set the content height to zero and go on filling, ...
And you might wanna find some good answers, practices HERE -> RayWenderlich.
// my initial value
private var myCurrentPageContentHeight: CGFloat = 20
// in your PDF fill procedures add something like
myCurrentPageContentHeight += 40
// I also have a struct the encapsulates
// PageSize with padding, ...
enum PDF_PageSize {
case din_A4_Portrait
case din_A4_Landscape
// -------------------------------
// getPDF_TotalRect
// -------------------------------
func getPDF_TotalRect() -> CGRect {
switch self {
case .din_A4_Portrait : return CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 595, height: 842)
case .din_A4_Landscape : return CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 842, height: 595)
// ....