Search code examples

How to list all items in the MongoDB on the tree structure?

Consider the structure like this:

enter image description here

class Group {
  _id: ObjectId
  subGroups: ObjectId[]
  name: string
  info: string

A document for Group A in the database should be...

_id: ObjectId("6092387f9c69970c20fe648a")
subGroups: [
  ObjectId("6092387f9c69970c20fe648b"),  // Group B
  ObjectId("6092387f9c69970c20fe648c"), // Group C
name: "Group A",
info: "..."

How can I query in the mongodb to get all children including itself?

For example,

Query for A: Output A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J

Query for B: Output D, E


  • What you want to use is called $graphLookup, it recursively iterates until no more matches are found, like so:

        $match: {
          "name": "Group A"
        $graphLookup: {
          from: "collection",
          startWith: "$subGroups",
          connectFromField: "subGroups",
          connectToField: "_id",
          as: "groupHierarchy",
        $project: {
          result: {
            "$concatArrays": [
                $map: {
                  input: "$groupHierarchy",
                  as: "group",
                  in: "$$"

    Mongo Playground